Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Training Smart

Sunday I did not train smart. As a result I've wrecked my legs. My biggest mistake was not adapting my training plan to the situation. Sunday is when I typically do my long runs. Things started out just fine but at around the eight mile mark I noticed that my quads were getting sore. Past experience has taught me that sore legs during a run are not good. It wasn't sore enough to stop me (or so I thought) so I pushed on through the pain. A contributing factor was that I missed my run on Thursday because I pulled a muscle on the spin bike. So I was feeling guilty and allowed that to compromise my better judgment. Big mistake. Two days later my quads are still shot. I hurt more today than I did after my Ironman.

Today I trained smart. I did so by deciding not to train. On Monday this was easy to do since it's typically my day off but today it was a tough call. It's funny how we sometimes get it into our heads that we have to train no matter what. This works for us when we're having a lazy day and just need a little push to get us going. It works against us when we allow it to guilt us into doing a workout that we know darn well we shouldn't.

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