Thursday, February 09, 2006


One thing I've learned about training is that it's a lot about momentum. This isn't the momentum you gain by blazing down a hill at 40+ MPH. This is the momentum that you invoke when the alarm goes off at 4 AM. It begins when you swing your legs out and force yourself to get out of bed. This is mental momentum. It's the getting going part that's hard. Once you get it going you have momentum and you have to milk it. The same way you milk a real good downhill.

Today was a good training day for me. I felt a bit sluggish on Tuesday - probably still recovering from the long run on Sunday. I've been ramping my runs up again - trying to get a little more consistent. But today for some reason I felt refreshed and strong. Not sure why. Could have been what I ate the night before. Could have been that my biorhythms aligned. This happens once in a while and when it does it truly feels like a gift. I didn't question it. I went as hard as I could and I enjoyed the hell out of it. I wish all training days were like this.

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