Friday, February 10, 2006


I saw her today for the first time and I was tempted. To be honest, this is not the first time I've been tempted. There have been others and I suspect this will not be the last. Call it a 12 month itch. She has beautiful curves and sleek lines. She is youthful and lithe. I haven't yet mustered the courage to approach her yet. I'm afraid the temptation will be too great and I will cross the line. Last year I was similarly tempted by her sister. Her sister however was way out my league. This one however....

My current partner would not be happy if she knew. She doesn't express jealousy but I know she feels it. Maybe I'm just projecting my own guilt. She waits patiently night after night. It is the off season and she knows this. She accepts this. She is very patient. She's there for me when I need her, and she waits for me when I don't. She is very loyal.

My thoughts drift back to the good times we've shared. There have been bad times of course, but the good times far outweigh the bad. So why the itch I wonder? Will my life truly be better by abandoning what has brought me such contentment and happiness? Is the grass truly greener on the other side?

No, I won't be tempted. I'll stick with what I know. What has been tried and true. "Until death do us part" was the original, implied commitment. I'm going to honor that commitment. Still, the shadowy specter of guilt looms and must be appeased. I know the price of appeasement. An upgrade to Dura ace. A little more carbon. The specter shrinks.

I will be tempted again, but it will take more than beautiful curves and sleek lines to entice me.

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