Monday, February 06, 2006


Today at work there were some changes. Actually, lately there has been nothing but change - and not for the better either. Looking around I see a wide range of reactions to this change - most of them centering on panic and dismay. In contrast I've been on a pretty even keel despite the changes. I'm definitely in the minority at this point.

When training for Ironman Wisconsin a friend said that you need to plan. You need to execute your plan. And then, you need to be prepared to abandon the plan. It's a long day and a lot can happen. I personally do not run well when it is hot. A week away from the race the weather guys were still predicting comfortable temperatures in the upper 70s. Perfect racing weather for me. However, the day brought temperatures in upper 90s and a roaring wind. The thing is, you gotta take what the day brings and make the best of it. I made many adjustments to my plan that day. Nutrition plan changed, my expectations on my split times changed, and I walked a heck of a lot more on the marathon than I planned. I made a lot of adjustments on the fly that for me was the difference between finishing and being finished.

We all set our plans and make goals for ourselves - most ot us Triathletes are totally type A's so it's in our makeup. Heck, I had my race schedule planned before last year's ended! However, a lot of us don't react well when life interjects and causes us to radically alter those plans. Be ready to make adjustments and make the best out of what the day gives you - you may not PR, but you will also not be defeated by the day or by adversity.

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