Sunday, February 12, 2006


No post for yesterday. Yesterday was my daughters five year birthday. Party balloons, birthday cake, presents, these things dominated my day yesterday. It still completely blows me away when I think that she is now five. Before having kids, people would always say that time seems to speed up when you have them. I had no idea how fast it could go. Soon there will be first dates, drivers licenses, high school, college. But for now it's pig tails and horses, Cinderella shoes and baby dolls. I try to root myself in the present and absorb every bit of this. The more I absorb now, the richer the memories will be.

What does this have to do with triathlon? Absolutely nothing. And that's where it becomes about triathlon. Triathlon is a balance of three distinct disciplines. To succeed you must give attention to each of the three disciplines. Overtrain in one and the other suffers. It's all about balance. I've come to see over time that there are several aspects of life that seem to balance across threes for me. The balance of relationships - friends, family, and coworkers. The balance of self development - physical, spiritual, and intellectual. Over focus on one aspect and the other's suffer. Each needs work and where we choose to focus our energies become additional patterns in the tapestry of our lives.

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