Tuesday, August 01, 2006


One thing I've learned through miles and miles of training is that the how part is just as important as the what part. Screw up the how part and the what part will not get you to the where part. I should really spend less time in shallow water.

In the spirit of how I focused on form for my workouts today. Since this is a taper week I should be cutting volume but keeping intensity high, but frankly I'm still a bit burnt from last week's workouts. Interestingly enough this turns out to be the perfect time to focus on form. It's when you begin to tire that your form begins to break down. Indeed, loss of form is usually the first indicator that you're tiring. Ironically when you're tiring is exactly when you need your form to be at it's best. Good form leads to efficiency and allows you to conserve energy. Bad form leads to inefficiency which results in wasted energy which leads - well you get the picture.

A side benefit of focusing on form is that it also helps keep your mind off the fact that you're getting tired. Giving your mind something to focus lessens the chance that it will get up to mischief and start spinning up negative thoughts. An unfocused mind is a dangerous opponent.

Workout Summary
  • 2160 yd continuous swim - LSD with form focus
  • 18 mile bike - tempo with form focus
  • 3.25 mile run - tempo with form focus
  • 30 minutes circuit/core/stretching
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