Thursday, August 24, 2006

Word Spinning - Part 2

Looks like another dizzy day for me again. Today I was spinning on "train to race" vs. "race to train".

I'm definitely in the race to train camp. I need goals - the race - to keep me motivated and focused. But the emphasis for me is definitely on the journey - the training. For me the race is just a quiz along the way to allow me to focus and gauge my training. The training on the otherhand is what shapes and sculpts me. It has transformed me - both in the physical and mental sense. Actually the mental transformation was the biggest surprise - the benefit to training that I wasn't expecting. I completely expected that training would make me stronger physically. It never occurred to me as I started down this path that it would change how I approach and view life.

It's amazing what your mind will get up to when your body's busy and knows what to do.

Workout Summary
  • Slacked....

    What? Slacked? Yeah - guilty as charged. Actually there were thunderstorms this morning which means they close all the pools at the health club. The idea of going anyways and sitting on a spin bike and then running on a treadmill was too great of a hill for me to climb today. It's a bit of recovery week for me anyways so I snuggled in with my daughter (who got woken up by the thunderstorms and climbed into bed with us) and caught a couple hours of bonus sleep.

    Weather permitting I'll get out for a bike/run brick tonight. I at least want to run because I need to keep consistent during my marathon build period.
  • 1 comment:

    Habeela said...

    I'm amazed! You are usually ruthless with the training. That's ok. You've definitely earned one slacker day.