Saturday, July 01, 2006


Today I had one of those character building rides. Lots of wind, lots of heat, lots of suffering. The perfect training ride. It's training rides like these that train the mind to deal with adversity.

Anyone can have fun flying down the road with the wind at their back. It's an entirely different game when a strong wind is in your face. At first it's frustrating - you're slow, you're tired, and you're struggling to keep control of your bike in the cross winds. For me the frustration evaporates when I recognize it as an opportunity to work on efficiency. Wind has a great way of showing you where your aerodynamics are messed up. If you're a bit off you'll pay a heavy price. By making adjustments you'll dial in your efficiency which will impact your ability to endure.

As with most of the mental aspects of training for Triathlon, this translates well into the "real world". It's all good when things are going your way. When things are not it's easy to just wallow in frustration and self pity/loathing. It's easy to beat yourself up and start a negative think spiral. When this happens let the adversity you are struggling with illuminate where the problem is. With that knowledge in hand work out how to tune yourself to become more efficient in the face of the problem. It is hard. It takes work and perseverance. It takes change. It's all worth it.

Workout Summary
  • 3200 yd continuous swim - 1hr(yesterday)
  • 82 mile bike - 4:38 - Z3
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