Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Country Inspiration

It's surprising how sometimes inspiration can hit you out when you least expect it. A couple of weeks ago I was updating my music collection and decided to add some new country songs to the line up. I should point out here that my music of choice tends to be heavy metal (Evanescence, Drowning Pool, Staind, Breaking Benjamin, etc.), but being a musician I also tend to be very musically diverse. My iPod sports a wide range of music including contemporary Christian, classical, jazz, reggae, country, alternative, and lots of metal.

Today I had the country playlist playing for background music while I was working when the following lyrics reached out and grabbed me (the band is Rascal Flatts):

Cause when push comes to shove
You taste what you're made of
You might bend, till you break
Cause its all you can take
On your knees you look up
Decide you've had enough
You get mad you get strong
Wipe your hands shake it off
Then you Stand, Then you stand

Great stuff from a bunch of "Good 'ol boys" - here's to musical diversity!

Workout Summary (Yesterday)
  • 2000yd continuous swim at tempo
  • 26 mile bike ride - tempo
  • 4.5 mile run - easy - LSD

    Bad news on the swim front - all this time I thought the pool I was swimming in was a 20 yd pool. Turns out that it's only 18. Guess I need to bump up my lap count a bit. There's also a 25 yd lap pool next to the 18 yd leisure pool but it's a good five degrees colder and I'm a wimp when it comes to dipping into the cold first thing in the morning.

    Had some trouble coming off the bike and starting the run. As soon as I started running I had shooting back pains. I stopped and stretched a little bit and that seemed to help. After a couple of blocks my back was fine. At about the 3 mile mark my heel started bugging me again. My general rule of thumb is that if it's shooting or sharp pain, or if it causes me to break form then I stop. This was neither so I ran through it and spent some extra time stretching after the run. So far so good but I will baby it over the next couple of runs. For now all runs will be LSD - no tempo or interval work.

    Will wait until next week to make the call on the Muncie Endurathon. If it's still really bugging me I'll either scratch or go and do the swim and bike.
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