Tuesday, April 18, 2006


My wife is a saint. I haven't seen her walk on water, but I bet she does when no one is looking. She's not one to show off her sainthood. I consider her a saint because she supports me in my seemingly endless quest for the next goal. Over the years I've continued to raise the bar. What was once a twice a week step video in the basement has become a six day a week habit. She doesn't complain. Well, at least not too much. Nothing outside of reason what I get away with sometimes.

Next week I'll be spending a week away from my family for a "spring training" bicycle trip. She'll have to deal with school drop-offs and pickups, hockey practices and games, dinners, breakfasts, lunches, and a million other things to keep the family running. Then I'll be spending memorial day weekend in Ohio for Triple-T. Between then and November there will be quite a few weekend cycling and triathlon trips with the guys. No question about it, she's a saint.

I tell her this often but she rolls her eyes and shrugs it off. Deep down she instinctively knows that I need these challenges and need these times away to help keep things in perspective. She knows that these goals help shape and define the person I've become. She sees the benefits in these indulgences.

Not to say of course that there isn't a lot of balance here. I try to do most of my workouts in the wee hours of the morning before the rest of the family is up. I try to keep the long bike ride on Saturdays to a reasonable time. There's a lot of give and take. But I know the truth. I know that without her support I would not be able to do any of this. And I also wouldn't be the person I am today.

Workout Summary
  • Tempo Swim - 45 minutes - 2400 yards continuous
  • Spin Class - 45 minutes - endurance focus
  • Tempo Run - 45 minutes - zone3/zone 4 border
  • 20 minutes circuit, core, and stretching
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