Friday, April 14, 2006


Ok, so I'm mechanically challenged. I admit this openly and freely. It is a bit tough - being male I'm expected to be mechanically inclined. However, I am not. Last night was proof of this. My buddy and I got together to continue putting on some new components on my bike. On the bottom side of the frame there are two cable guides that we took off in order to clean things up. I figured I could probably handle putting the two guides back on. Couple of screws attached to the frame. No more difficult than putting on a water bottle cage. This was the beginning of the problem, though we didn't realize it until an hour and a half later.

While putting on new pedals I noticed that the cranks no longer turned freely. In fact it was like the whole bottom bracket was rubbing on something from the inside. We took it apart. We relubed it. We put it back together. The problem still remained. After yanking it apart for the third time by buddy looked through the opening trying to figure out where the problem was. He's mechanically inclined. He found the problem instantly. One of the screws I had tightened to put the cable guide on was protruding into the bottom bracket housing. This pushed up against another piece which when inserted caused the rubbing. After backing off the screw a bit all was well.

After that I stayed clear of any tools. Though I try hard I am mechanically cursed. This is one of my many limitations and I accept it. Training for triathlon has taught me often brutally that I have limitations and that to continue in this sport I must accept them. I am not the best swimmer, cyclist, or runner. There are times when I feel like the best. Cockiness creeps in when I shred the legs of my friends during an evening club ride. Then some 50 year old bow-legged guy blows by me on the next uphill. The cockiness evaporates immediately. I'm just another guy in the pack again. Triathlon has taught me a lot about humility. Triathlon has also taught me to accept my limitations gracefully and focus on just being as good as I can be in that moment. Apparently I am not permitted to be very good with tools.

My buddy and I had a great laugh about the whole thing. He will likely tell the rest of the gang. I will hear about this for the next month. I will laugh at myself each time I hear about it. A good dose of humility is often balanced by an equal dose of self deprecating humor.

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