Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Today was my first workout of the "off-season". For me, starting off-season workouts is like hitting the reset button. It's an opportunity for a fresh start. Volumes are reduced. Intensity is shelved. Back to basics.

It's not easy. It's an abrupt transition - going from high intensity tempo, interval, and speed work to lots of LSD workouts in low heart rate zones. To keep my heart rates on target I have to go in what now feels like slow motion. It feels like I'm slacking. Dennis, my left side shoulder angel - the evil one, whispers in my ear that I should be going harder or I'll lose all I've built over the last year.

My right side shoulder angel, the nameless one - the good one, assures me that this isn't the case. I've learned over time that my body and mind both need this time to slow down. To rebuild the foundation. I've learned that if I go slow now I'll be able to go fast in the spring. In many respects it's like adding a floor to a skyscraper. In order to go higher you need to go back and reinforce the foundation. If you don't reinforce the foundation the whole thing will come crashing down.

Be patient and take the time in your off-season to build a strong, solid foundation. If you do this now then come spring you'll be able to soar into the clouds. Don't do it and you may have to settle for watching those who did from the sidelines.

Workout Summary
  • 1440 yd swim - LSD
  • 45 minute spin class - hills (hit the saddle anytime my HR climbed above Z 3.5)
  • 3 mile run - LSD
  • 45 minute circuit/core/stretching (CCS)

    Aside from my swim mask fogging up mercilessly my swim was still smooth after taking more than two weeks off. Need to get some wax plugs for my ears - I get more water in my left ear when doing left side breathing which is irritating.

    The spin instructor asked if I was ok after spin class! I guess she's used to me going all out for the entire class. After explaining myself she said "that's a great idea - I should do that.".

    Had a tough time reigning in the run. My legs are still a bit flat after the marathon but much to my surprise they still wanted to go at a fairly quick pace. Unfortunately the pace they wanted brought my heart rate into Z4, so I bit the bullet and slowed to a 9 mpm pace which brought my heart rate down where I wanted it.

    Increased my C/C/S time by doing three sets of circuit instead of my normal two. Will throw in some Yoga later tonight.
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