Friday, February 09, 2007

Week in Review (1/29 - 2/4)

Yet again - sorry for the lack of posting. It's funny how life comes at you in waves sometimes. Last week and this week a number individual "life waves" have converged into a single giant crest that consumed all of my time. I'm getting on the backside of the crest now so I can get back to some of the other lower priority stuff.

This was my last week of prep before I start entering into the official base phase of training. Starting today I'm going to start stealing Bolder's Good/Bad/Ugly format here as I like the way it allows me to summarize.

The Good
Physically I'm still holding up well. I'm not thoroughly wiped out and I have yet to catch any of the colds that are going around. I'm also getting better at focusing on the prescribed workouts (though I have to tailor the swim workouts a bit to fit my time availability) and keeping my heart rate where it needs to be. I successfully hit all workouts except my long run.

I was having some issues with too much weight loss but with a little more attention to my diet that has stabilized.

The Bad
Yeah, back to that long run thing. This weekend the jet streams freaked and sent polar air down our way. Air temp for Sunday morning was -4. Plus it was windy so -25 with wind chills. I'm nuts but not that nuts. In addition our last hockey game of the regular season was on Sunday and I've also started going to church. Excuses, excuses. Bottom line is that I didn't do the run because I just couldn't stomach being on the treadmill for two hours.

Rest assured that I will beat myself up mercilessly over the coming week for missing this workout....

The Ugly
Still having some elbow pain. For next week I'll completely eliminate any exercise that pulls at the elbow (bicep curls, lat pull downs, etc.). Pushing doesn't seem to be the issue - I only feel it when I pull. The good news though is that it doesn't affect my swim stroke at all.

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