Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Tonight is Daddy-Daughter date night. Once a month Pip and I go out on a "date". Usually this ends up being dinner with a trip to Baskin Robbins for Ice Cream afterwards. This is a "tradition" that started a few months back when I began to realize that Pip and I just weren't spending a lot of quality time together. We spend a lot of "family" time together, just not a lot of one-on-one time. The kind of time that strengthens relationships. The kind of time that if I don't take advantage of it now, I'll regret it later.

The fact that this is "scheduled" time doesn't lessen it's relevance to Pip and I. It's not a have to - it's a want to. However if we didn't schedule the time it would be easily overlooked. Easily postponed. Sort of like workouts. If you don't schedule them then other things in life will press in and fill the space, leaving you with an empty "where did all my time go?" feeling at the end of the week.

We're usually pretty good at scheduling work meetings, doctors visits, and workouts. These are the "mechanics of life" things, the have to's, and are a necessary part of life. However it's also just as important to set aside time for the fun things. Dates with your kids or spouse. A night out with good friends. A surprise family vacation. The want to's. The "Joire de Vivre" things. These are the things that will make you smile when you ask yourself "where did all my time go?" at the end of the week. These are the things that make the have to's worth it.

Workout Summary
No more summaries - I've recently setup a Training Peaks website to plan and manage my workouts. All my workout plans and results will be posted there from now on.


Habeela said...

My sister and her husband have date night every week for that precise reason. Hmmm...setting up your workouts like they're dates with yourself...this is a good idea. :)

Spandex King said...

My wife told me we should have a date night once a month. I told her that sounded great and I already had my eye on a couple of cuties at work. Boy was she mad. Why?? It was her idea. Women!!

Merry Christmas!!